Summary of the project
‟Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship can be broadly defined as the capacity to turn ideas into action, ideas that generate value for someone other than oneself. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship is a transversal key competence, which every citizen needs for personal fulfilment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment in the knowledge society.” (Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, 2016).
In the European reference framework ‟sense of initiative and entrepreneurship” is one of eight key competences for lifelong learning which citizens require for their personal fulfilment, social inclusion, active citizenship and employability in a knowledge-based society. All students should have access to entrepreneurship education, which should be offered in all types and at all levels of education. Teachers and schools are key agents: an individual’s chances of receiving good quality entrepreneurship education has depended mainly on the enthusiasm of teaching staff and their ability to secure the right resources.
Teachers have a critical role to play in the development of entrepreneurship education. In this respect, with this project we aim to build a system that ultimately enables all students to receive high quality entrepreneurship education that they can use at every stage of the educational process to develop social entrepreneurship competencies. To realize this aim to train 32 students through 2 blended mobility of school learners and 115 teachers in 4 joint staff trainings embedded with MOOCs with 4 secondary schools and four non profit organisations from Hungary, Turkey, Greece and Slovenia in 24 months. In the long run, the project is expected to:
- stimulate innovative and entrepreneurial mindsets among students by introducing entrepreneurship as a key competence in school curricula, particularly in general secondary education and ensure that it is correctly reflected in teaching material;
- ensure that the importance of entrepreneurship is correctly reflected in education systems design and develop a new model of entrepreneurship education boosting social innovation and social entrepreneurial skills in young people within the school education system in Europe.
- Enhance the ability to develop own teaching competencies by updating their professional know-how and by recognising the future trends and developments in the employment sector.
- The project is expected to have a significant impact on individual educators and their organisations across Europe, largely related to the developed entrepreneurship resources as a means of providing a new and innovative approach to promoting sustainability and developing related skills in schools.
- It is anticipated that the resources developed during the project will complement and expand existing training initiatives at various educational levels across Europe and expand traditional teaching and learning practices to include new technologies.
The project is expected to offer opportunities for the exchange of ideas and good practices with peers from across Europe through the proposed multiplier event, training sessions and the online platform.
- Duration of the project: 24 months (1st September, 2020 – 31st August, 2023)
- Map (Partners & Locations)
6800 Hódmezővásárhely, Szőnyi utca 2. Bethlen Gábor Református Gimnázium
Koordinátor: Bereczki Simon Sára
Telefon : +36 62 242 965
- Teacher: Kőszegi Ádám
- Teacher: Prikler Ágnes
- Teacher: Tóthné Molnár Ágnes
- Teacher: Szabó Ákos
- Teacher: Novak Aleša
- Teacher: Mónus Aliz
- Teacher: Špelko Alma Elizabeta
- Teacher: Lina Altiparmaki
- Teacher: Merdzanovic Amra
- Teacher: Kiszely Andrea
- Teacher: Oroveczné Novák Andrea
- Teacher: Maniatakou Angeliki
- Teacher: Kovács-Csapó Anikó
- Teacher: Csikós Anna
- Teacher: Bán-des Fontaine Annamária
- Teacher: Búzáné Tóth Annamária
- Teacher: Leric Armin
- Teacher: Nagy Árpád
- Teacher: Leyla Ayverdi
- Teacher: Gyovainé Aszalai Beáta
- Teacher: Nagy Bella
- Teacher: Gonda Bence
- Teacher: János Berecz
- Teacher: Filip Bihar
- Teacher: Buzás Brigitta
- Teacher: Afitap Bulut
- Teacher: Polonca Centa
- Teacher: Sulyok Csaba
- Teacher: Vári Csaba
- Teacher: MÁRTA CSEUZ
- Teacher: Vincze Csilla
- Teacher: Bertilla Csipakné Nagy
- Teacher: Emese Csorba
- Teacher: Brodarič Darja
- Teacher: Tugze Demir
- Teacher: Martonosiné Dóra
- Teacher: Fejes Edina
- Teacher: Dora-Tóthné Szappanos Edit
- Teacher: dr. Szilágyiné Bodnár Edit
- Teacher: Máténé Kis-Rácz Edit
- Teacher: Younes EL-MAJDOUB
- Teacher: Burcu Eleviş K?l?ç
- Teacher: Yunus Emre Avcu
- Teacher: Vajda Enikő
- Teacher: Banu Ergün Göktaş
- Teacher: Leléné Erika
- Teacher: Skorka Erzsébet
- Teacher: Papp Eszter
- Teacher: Kovácsné Bartosiewicz Éva
- Teacher: Csupor Ferenc
- Teacher: Garainé Jung Gabriella
- Teacher: Kenézné Józsa Gabriella
- Teacher: Kovács gabriella
- Teacher: Péter Gabrovits
- Teacher: Tanja Gacnik
- Teacher: Polányi Géza
- Teacher: Szirovicza Gézáné
- Teacher: Maria Gkountopoulou
- Teacher: Janez Gorenc
- Teacher: Feride Güney
- Teacher: Dr. Nagy Gyöngyi
- Teacher: Kunné Vaga Gyöngyi
- Teacher: Prikler György
- Teacher: Bovier Hajnalka
- Teacher: Djemaili Halime
- Teacher: Deniz HANAR
- Teacher: Csányi Helga
- Teacher: Jóriné Henriett
- Teacher: Farkasné Bakonyi Ildikó
- Teacher: Móroczné Keresztesi Ildikó
- Teacher: Pécsi Ildikó
- Teacher: Szabó Ildikó
- Teacher: Bereczné Szép Ilona Tünde
- Teacher: Lantos Imre
- Teacher: Antali Imre Ákos
- Teacher: Nyáry József
- Teacher: Tóth József
- Teacher: Lázár Judit
- Teacher: maj juntez
- Teacher: Edit Kádárné Zsoldos
- Teacher: Evangelia Kaliskami
- Teacher: Vasileios Kanakis
- Teacher: Katerina Karadimitri
- Teacher: Varga Karolina
- Teacher: Juhász Szabó Katalin
- Teacher: Zsákai Katalin
- Teacher: Lázárné Vass Katalin Viola
- Teacher: Gülşen Kefeli
- Teacher: Lantosné Schmidt Klára
- Teacher: Tzivaki Konstantina
- Teacher: Eszter Kovács
- Teacher: Csaba Králik
- Teacher: Jordan Kristina
- Teacher: Bacsáné Lévai Krisztina
- Teacher: Mórocz László
- Teacher: Lejla Leric
- Teacher: Csorba Linda
- Teacher: Jelenc Maja
- Teacher: Siposné Kristó Mária
- Teacher: Törökgyörgy-Szilágyi Mária
- Teacher: Csák-Kozma Mariann
- Teacher: Maróti Mariann
- Teacher: Nánai Marianna
- Teacher: Kovács Márk Péter
- Teacher: Vajnai Márta
- Teacher: Sipos Mihály
- Teacher: Tanasković Milica
- Teacher: Maria-Efi Mitropoulou
- Teacher: Panagiota Mitropoulou
- Teacher: Zomboriné Papp Mónika
- Teacher: Balázsné Mónus Anikó
- Teacher: Benjámin Nagy
- Teacher: Bourtsouklis Nancy
- Teacher: Mateicskáné Mónus Nikoletta
- Teacher: Dr. Vanderstein Noémi
- Teacher: János Palotás
- Teacher: Nikolaos Passatoglou
- Teacher: János Rébék
- Teacher: Dudás Róbert
- Teacher: Gilicze Rózsa Judit
- Teacher: Hacer Sa?lam
- Teacher: Pásztor Sándor
- Teacher: Mustafa Sar?
- Teacher: Betül Saray Metin
- Teacher: Ferenc Simon
- Teacher: Sára Simonné Bereczki
- Teacher: Vassilis Skianis
- Teacher: Sabine Stein
- Teacher: Vigh Szabolcs
- Teacher: Katalin Szabóné Suti
- Teacher: Katalin Szabóné Suti
- Teacher: Miklós Szilvia
- Teacher: Nagyné Mónus Szilvia
- Teacher: Hale Tando?an
- Teacher: Romanov Tanja
- Teacher: Patakfalviné Hotorán Tímea Erika
- Teacher: Molnár Tünde
- Teacher: Rengin Turcan ?skender
- Teacher: Zsolt Udvari
- Teacher: ümran uymalik
- Teacher: Viktória Vajnai
- Teacher: Faidon Zaras
- Teacher: Kotorić Zemir
- Teacher: Halmosi Zsuzsanna
- Teacher: Moravszki Zsuzsanna